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Zoo Awards

How many times have you heard us talk about zoo awards during our Zoo of the Month contest?  Have you ever wondered just what these awards are and how you get them? Well, wonder no more - here's your answer:

There are 12 awards you can earn for original Zoo Tycoon and an extra 6 for Dino Digs.

Excellence in Exhibit Design: Silver Plaque
Create an exhibit with a suitability rating of at least 90%

Excellence in Exhibit Design: Gold Plaque
Create an exhibit with a suitability rating of at least 99%
Reward $15,000

Most Popular Zoo: Silver Certificate
Have 500 guests in your zoo

Most Popular Zoo: Gold Certificate
Have 1000 guests in your zoo
Reward $25,000

Best Zoo: Silver Trophy
Obtain a Zoo Rating of 90

Best Zoo: Gold Trophy
Obtain a Zoo Rating of 95
Reward $25,000

Highest Customer Satisfaction: Blue Ribbon
Achieve a guest happiness of 95
Reward $25,000

Quality Animal Care: Blue Ribbon
Achieve an animal happiness of 98 (6 months must have passed)
Reward $5,000

Diverse Species: Silver Plaque
Have at least 10 different animal species in your zoo

Diverse Species: Gold Plaque
Have at least 30 different animal species in your zoo
Reward $30,000

Highest Quality Exhibits: Silver Certificate
Have 10 or more exhibits with suitability ratings of 80 or higher

Highest Quality Exhibits: Gold Certificate
Have 25 or more exhibits with suitability ratings of 85 or higher
Reward $40,000

Excellence in Dinosaur Exhibit Design: Gold Cup
Exhibit at least 3 dinosaurs in suitable exhibits

Complete Ice Age Zoo: Gold Mammoth
Exhibit all 4 ice age animals in your zoo

Quality Dinosaur Care: Blue Ribbon
Exhibit at least 10 dinosaurs in suitable exhibits in your zoo
Reward $50,000

Tyrannosaurus Rex Egg: Gold Rex
Have a T-Rex egg laid in your zoo
Reward $100,000

Outstanding Animal Health Plaque
Have less than 3 sick animals in your zoo at the end of the first year

Complete Jurassic Zoo: Gold Stegosaurus
Exhibit all 7 Jurassic dinosaurs in your zoo